Working Time: Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 18:30
Rue des Majorettes 18 BP 194, ABIDJAN
+225 07 04 85 04 04

Rue des Majorettes 18, BP 194
+225 07 04 85 04 04

Nos Produits


Diaphragm pumps

AIRSATURN air-operated double diaphragm pumps are available in 3″ and 4″. Some producers offer plastic pumps up to 3″ size only and with the limitations of the thermoplastics, which is not an issue with FRP material.

  • High hydraulic performance
  • Very fast air distributor made of only 5 components
  • ​Non-icing air valve system
  • High chemical resistance and extreme corrosion resistance
  • Mechanical strength equal to Titanium
  • No expansion, no retraction, no reaction to hot or cold temperature
  • Super lightweight for mobile operations
  • Low maintenance operations and cost
  • Flame-retardant
  • For highly corrosive liquids and seawater
  • Available in different resin mixes according to the liquid pumped
  • ATEX Zone 2 Conformity (“V1X” conductive liner)


  • Desalination
  • Aquaculture / Fish-farming
  • Water and wastewater treatments
  • Civil protection (mobile operations)
  • Marine processes
  • Off-shore platforms
Spécifications / Specifications

Courbes / Performance Curve


Schémas / Drawing