Working Time: Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 18:30
Rue des Majorettes 18 BP 194, ABIDJAN
+225 07 04 85 04 04

Rue des Majorettes 18, BP 194
+225 07 04 85 04 04

Nos Produits

HomeNos ProduitsAccessoriesYSI – 6561 pH Sensor

YSI – 6561 pH Sensor

pH Sensor

Simple, accurate pH measurement in sensors designed for minimal maintenance in sampling, profiling, and long-term monitoring applications.


  • Produces very stable readings.
  • Rugged and guarded.


  • Not wipeable; not ideal for high-fouling environments.

Sensor is available for use on the following sondes:

  • 600XL & 600XLM and 600XL & 600XLM V2
  • 600DW & 6920DW
  • 6820 V2 & 6920 V2
  • 6600 V2 & 6600EDS V2

REMARKS : This sensor must be installed into a 6-Series sonde to function. Does not function on its own.

Spécifications / Specifications

YSI_pH_Probe 6561_Specifications

Courbes / Performance Curve
Schémas / Drawing