Working Time: Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 18:30
Rue des Majorettes 18 BP 194, ABIDJAN
+225 07 04 85 04 04

Rue des Majorettes 18, BP 194
+225 07 04 85 04 04

Nos Produits


Dosing Pumps

Motor-driven Piston Dosing Pumps

Piston metering pumps are particularly precise and independent of back pressure. The quantity is adjusted in proportion to the stroke length, their reproducibility allows dosages for extremely small quantities. Pumps with two or more pistons allow exact mixtures or at constant ratio between different fluids to be dosed. Using externally controlled drive motors, the total quantity can be varied from 5% to 100% at a constant ratio.

Spécifications / Specifications

FEDOS E Technical Data

FEDOS DX Technical Data


Courbes / Performance Curve

Refer to PDF attached.

Schémas / Drawing

Refer to PDF attached.